Due to the ongoing pandemic and government restrictions, there will not be a Cash and Carry Show in the Fall of 2020. We are currently working on securing dates to host all of our cash and carry shows in the Spring of 2021. As soon as those details are finalized, we will communicate that with you.
Attendee Registration
Check back soon to register for the November 2020 Tacoma Christmas Cash & Carry Show.
Follow the prompts on the next page to search for your information by Company or Name to begin. If you don’t find your information, you will have the opportunity to create a new record quickly and easily. We’ll send you your ExpressPass™ via email. Bring it to the show, scan it with our onsite readers, and quickly print out your badge(s) when you arrive!
If you received a postcard/mailing about the show, you’ve come to the right place to complete your registration!
For questions regarding registration, please call 470.306.5544 or 404.405.3590
Greater Tacoma Convention Center, Exhibition Hall
1500 Commerce St. 800 Convention Place
Tacoma, WA 98402
Call for Info:
678.285.EXPO (3976)